its an artform to be judged by others
here is something i wrote on my shaping room door
way back mid seventys.
the artisian
surfboard manufacturer v surfboard maker (artisian)
surfboard maker
is a highly motivated individual who has a dedication to his craft from the time the project is envisioned he will select the right medium for his project ( right blank) he will glue up the rocker & then go at it to extract his vision. ''the dance o so much his alone'' his preparation of the final shape will be diligent as he is the glasser. his glass schedual will be well thought out for the design as the glasser he will seek no short cuts. for he is the sander.
as the shaper he continuies his extraction of the final image he has set his sights.
his gloss work will also be off the highest standard all his little tricks will ensure the fact that as the glosser he is the polisher.
it is here as the cutting compound starts to release his image of what was trapped in there all along he starts to be rewarded as the image glittering & reflecting a smile straight back at him. like a proud father he picks it up puts it under his arm fondles the rails & nods proudly to himself.
a touch of sadness as the customer arrives to collect the prize. for he doesnt mind if he just adds it to his collection
but then when the customers eyes light up and the words of joy spill out
he then is satisfied and ready to move on.
the surfboard manufacturer
well what can i say for he does non of the above his eyes glint only by images of 100s
there is a complete difference between the two
cheers huie